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The following are actual testimonials and exact quotes from our anonymous survey which we handed out at the end of our program.  Check out our results pages to see the actual number from our before and after testing.

"I doubled my pull-ups and upped my squat by 120 pounds." Kenny Watts

"I learned new techniques/exercises that I didn't know before and I gained 5 pounds and am faster." Cole Clemons

"I was only able to do the afternoon sessions because of work, but I still dropped 3 tenths off my 40 and got much quicker." Brendan Pipkin

"I was repping 135 on squat when I started and now am able to do 315 for reps." Conner Wilms

"I put 20 pounds on my bench in 6 weeks and I also made 12 pull-ups after only being able to 1 or 2 six weeks ago." Matt Jaspering


"It doesn't take long for this diet to take effect and showed in things like my fitness and ability jump weights quickly/effectively." Cole Clemons

"The nutrition coaching definitely helped because I didn't know anything about when to eat certain things, and even though I wasn't able to follow in perfectly the whole time I still saw a huge difference."

"It helped me maintain weight while being very active."

"I believe the nutrition work helped the most of anything. I lost an incredible amount of weight."


"I have improved a lot over these six weeks. I would have improved more if I didn't miss a week and a half. Learning how to properly run & run faster, was good. This also improved breaking in & out of my cuts. My strength training was greatly improved in all forms."

"I think I have improved most in the weight room activities. My strength has had the most improvement. Also my quickness has improved. I think that technique has helped me the most."

"I have improved a lot in speed, quickness, and agility. I think learning the techniques helped me right away, and I improved more as the drills helped me perfect the technique."

"I have improved all over, my strength, agility and more. The reason for these improvements is due to Kramer & Jon coaching us and wanting us to improve."

"I improved with my technique the most. Being a receiver, the drills we worked on had a lot of quick feet and I got my steps down on the routes, so I can make much better cuts and get out of them faster than before. Also, my fitness/strength has gained a lot so I have much more stamina."

"I improved everything basically, I'm more confident now that I'm bigger, I'm more comfortable in the weight room after the 6 weeks of working out & I'm more coordinated after the drills we did on the field."


"The skills I learned through Dynamic Core's "Beast Training" were invaluable in my development as a football player. The program taught me how to harness and maximize my athletic ability on the field, while emphasizing the basic fundamentals of the game. It gave me the skill set to be a competitive Division 1 football player within my first few months of playing the game, and I am still continuing to improve at a very rapid rate using the philosophies taught to me by Dynamic Core. Not enough praise can be given to this system." -Alex Pearlstone


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